To join via conventional mail, fill out and return the membership application with payment of dues included. Membership is on a calendar year basis, beginning in January.
NEW! To join via Paypal, use the buttons below. When payment is complete, you'll be taken to an emailable membership information form that can be filled out and emailed to our chapter treasurer.
If you'd like to make a donation to the chapter, please use the button below:
Most of our members live in Fairfax, Prince William, and Arlington counties and Fairfax and Alexandria cities, though we also have active members that live as far away as Culpeper, VA and Reisterstown, MD. We also have some less active members as far away as Arizona.
Our members volunteer in many ways, demonstrating a wide range of skills and interests. Members can fully participate in meetings, surveys, digs, artifact processing, archival research, and more. Members also receive access to archeological field opportunities, the monthly newsletter (The Datum Point), and are welcome at the monthly meetings.
Volunteering takes many forms both in the lab and in the field. Old and young, strong and not-so-strong all participate. There's usually something to do for anyone willing to work. It's a great way to learn new things and meet new people.
The Archeological Society of Virginia (ASV) requires that all members of local chapters also join the state organization. The ASV has a membership application available on their website.